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SMS Voting; Get to Know Your Technology More

SMS Voting Service in Nepal
Might you have heard of SMS Voting Service in Nepal before? Do you remember when reality shows on television snapped out their codes for each participant and you were asked to vote for your favorites? You even made them landed in the first position. Similarly, 8 PM Kantipur news also queried you some of the ...

NEB Grade 11 Result (Regular) is Coming Soon

see exam
Within a fraction of the time, students have been facing hassles of exam date schedules and their results. Lately, National Examination Board had published Partial NEB Grade 11 Result, which was held from 1st Ashar to 10th of Ashar, 2074 ((June 15th to June 24th, 2017). And now, it’s time for NEB Grade 11 Result. However ...

Grade 11 Regular Results Published in Grading System

Grade 11 Regular Results
Before, NEB authorities were doubtful on whether the result will be published along grading system or percentage system. Since the results are imprinted into the transcript, they are unsure of how to coincide with transcript certificate. From now on, it is assured that Grade 11 Regular Results will be published in the grading system. It ...

What is API (Application Programming Interface)?

bluk sms API
API stands for an Application Programming Interface. It is a computer programming term, which is a set of tools or protocols to develop application software. In simple terms, it is a moderator of communication between various software. It makes computer programs easier to integrate building blocks and interconnect with each other. What is API? An ...

Bulk SMS Services in Nepal

Bulk SMS Services in Nepal
Nepal Telecom often alerts you to social campaigns, telephone invoice clearance, data packages, and other relevant notices on your mobile. Even, Ncell clings to your inbox with the latest data packages and new offers. Do they pick on one of the numbers and send messages as we do? Nah! They could not have done those ...

SEE Exam will Start from 8th of Chaitra

see exam
The exam schedule for SEE (Secondary Education Examination) is published. The examination date is initiated from the Saturday 8th of Chaitra. The final SEE exam date is scheduled for the 20th of Chaitra. A Board Meeting was conducted this Wednesday for finalizing exam dates. The examination is set to start on one of Saturday, though ...

What is meant by Bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS Services in Nepal
When the messages were conveyed on the door’s knock or imprinted papers used to rest on the floors, those days had been an old wives’ tale. Now, your cell phone blinks on the alert message. Do you remember- when Nepal Telecom assigned you to be a part of the Bagmati cleaning campaign via a simple ...
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