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Best marketing campaign for parliament election of Nepal

parliament election of Nepal
When our mission is to reach as many people as possible, text messaging is the number one method of communication. 2079 Nepali Parliament Election, we recommend you send Group SMS With a 98% open rate, you can send your Nepali Parliament Election text messages for campaign marketing straight into the hands of voters within a ...

Bulk SMS Service in Biratnagar Nepal 

Introduction of Biratnagar Biratnagar is the second most populous metropolitan city in Nepal, with a population of 244,750  in 2021. The city is situated in the eastern Terai and is the headquarters of Sunsari District. The city rose to prominence after the construction of the East-West Highway and North-South Highway in the early 1970s, making ...

Bulk SMS Service Provider in Pokhara Nepal

bluk sms in pokhara
Introduction of Pokhara Pokhara town situated in the central part of Nepal has undergone continuous changes in the last five decades. According to the 2021 Nepal Census, The total population of Pokhara is 518,452.  The extensive increase in urbanization has also changed the socio-cultural landscape of  Pokhara.  The main development altitude of the business in ...

Bulk SMS for wishes of Dashain and Tihar 

dashain sms wishes
Dashain Festival is the Nepalese Main Festival. Similarly, Dashain is a time for family reunions, the exchange of gifts and blessings, and elaborate pujas. Dashain honors the Goddess Durga, who was created out of the shakti or energy of all the gods, armed with weapons from each of them. As many businesses offer different kinds ...

Aakash SMS Emerging as Bulk SMS Service Provider in Nepal

bulk sms service provider
Aakash SMS is a leading ‘Bulk SMS Service’ provider in Nepal. Aakash SMS is an initiative of Aakash Tech Private Limited that creates campaigns for you and your services, helping you gather data in the process. With our claimed partnership with multiple telecom operators, intelligent SMS gateway routing, and robust infrastructure, we ensure the best-in-class ...

What can Aakash SMS be used for?

Bulk SMS Services in Nepal
“97% of open rates make Short Message Service (SMS) like Aakash SMS a powerful platform for communication.” It’s a common fact! Following the immense opportunity with messaging, our team of experts has built a Bulk SMS portal called Aakash SMS to help you message multiple recipients at a time. I’m sure […]

NEB कक्षा ११ को नतिजा २०७६ कसरी हेर्ने?

NEB result published
कक्षा ११ परीक्षामा उपस्थित सबै ५०८,४९४ विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि आफ्नो नतिजा हेर्ने प्रतीक्षाको घडी लगभग नजिकिदै छ। स्रोतका अनुसार “राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्ड” (Nepal Examination Board, NEB), सनोठिमी, भक्तपुरले आगामी हप्तामा नियमित र आंशिक दुवै पक्षका सबै संकाय (विज्ञान, व्यवस्थापन, मानविकी र शिक्षा) को लागी NEB कक्षा ११ को नतिजा प्रकाशित गर्दैछ। यसको मतलब तपाईको परीक्षा नतिजाहरू ...
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