Category: Blog-news

SEE Results Published 2080/2081

SEE result published
The wait is over. NEB has officially published the results of the SEE examination 2080/81.  The SMS charge is the same for NTC and Ncell users with NPR 5+ per SMS with the taxes imposed on it. Check out the results now with Aakash SMS. We deliver SEE result 2080 through SMS directly to your ...


cristmas and new year offer 2023 in bulk sms
Happy New Year 2023! Are you looking for an effective and cost-effective way to reach out to your target customers? AakashSMS is excited to announce our special New Year Offer on Bulk SMS. We are a renowned provider of Bulk SMS services, and we are offering great deals to help your business reach new heights ...

SMS Marketing | The Magic Potion For Your Growing Business

SMS Marketing | The Magic Potion For Your Growing Business
With the advent of digital marketing, traditional yet powerful techniques are frequently disregarded. SMS sometimes referred to as short message services, is a fantastic tool for growing your SaaS company. SMS is a text messaging service that employs telephone lines for end-to-end communication without utilising the internet. Many think SMS marketing would soon become obsolete ...

Introduction to Bulk SMS Service

Introduction and Fundamentals of Bulk SMS Service
Bulk SMS: What is it? Simply put, the phrase “bulk SMS Service” refers to any SMS communication that is delivered to a large number of recipients. Instead of utilizing an SMS API or an email to an SMS provider, bulk SMS campaigns are often carried out using web-based SMS applications. To submit their cell numbers ...
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