Year: 2021

5 Examples Of Easy SMS Marketing For Great Results

sms marketing
The marketing method is a dynamic process. Every company is constantly improving its marketing strategies to meet the target audience as quickly as possible but ultimately prefers the Bulk SMS service. SMS marketing is the most effective and affordable to reach people and has high open and engagement rates. According to a ...

Birthday and Anniversary Reminder via SMS

Keeping your clients loyal and happy is an uphill battle, but you have to show them their importance. The client’s birthday and anniversary is a once-a-year opportunity to make them feel remembered and important. As a result, the best way to accomplish this is to surprise them with unforeseen wishes and offers ...

Bulk SMS Service in Nepal

Bulk SMS Service
व्यवसाय गर्दा ग्राहकहरु संग नजिक हुनु तथा समन्वय गर्नु व्यवसायीका लागि अभिन्न हिस्सा हो । कुनै पनि व्यवसायी आफ्ना ग्राहकहरु संग रहेको घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध लाई बेवास्ता गर्न चाहदैनन् । बरु, आफ्ना ग्राहकहरु सँग समुधुर सम्बन्ध बढाउँदै जान चाहन्छन् । तथापी, प्रत्येक ग्राहकको आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न लगभग असम्भव नै हुन्छ । साथै व्यक्तिगत ...

Aakash SMS Emerging as Bulk SMS Service Provider in Nepal

bulk sms service provider
Aakash SMS is a leading ‘Bulk SMS Service’ provider in Nepal. Aakash SMS is an initiative of Aakash Tech Private Limited that creates campaigns for you and your services, helping you gather data in the process. With our claimed partnership with multiple telecom operators, intelligent SMS gateway routing, and robust infrastructure, we ...
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