NEB/HSEB Result 2073/2074 FAQs
To view your NEB Result 2074 via SMS, simply follow the following steps:
- Go to your mobile messages box
- Compose a new message
- Type NEB symbol number
- Send SMS to 31003
Install InHeadline app in your mobile . In order to install app, download the app from Google PlayStore or App Store. Once the app is downloaded and installed, click on the banner ad below and type in your valid Symbol-number, click on “Get Results” and it’s done. The result is in your mobile within few seconds. But remember to do it only after the NEB result is announced by OCE.
If the symbol number has been entered correctly, you will receive the NEB Result 2073/74 with GPA grade after the result is officially announced by OCE.
Yes, we distribute the NEB results via SMS after the results are announced by OCE. So, you can type NEB Symbol-number and send it to 31003 to get the results of anyone who appeared for NEB exam.
Each SMS would cost you Rs 5 + additional taxes only. Each Rs. 5 is divided as below: 50% – Is taken by Telecom Operators ( Like Nepal Telecom and Ncell ) 6% – Is RTDF ( Rural Telecom Development Tax) 1.5% – Is TDS Also, we need to pay Rs.20/SMS to OCE after data verification. Further, we have Rs 1 Advertisement Cost for promoting NEB result Nepal format over various platforms. There are no hidden charges for SMS. Each SMS for viewing NEB Result 2073/74 would cost you Rs 5 + additional taxes only.
NEB (HSEB) Exam results can be viewed on InHeadline mobile app, biggest news aggregator in Nepal. InHeadline brings NEB exam results directly to your smartphones. Students across the nation can benefit this service free of cost.
Results will be available in InHeadline App.
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